The 84th Japan Society of Applied Physics Autumn Meeting
Dates: September 19-23, 2023

20th International Microscopy Congress

10 to 15, September, 2023, Busan, Korea

The Japanese Society of Microscopy, 2022 Meeting on Ultra-High Resolution Microscopy

Co-sponsored by: In-situ Observation Section
Theme: "Ultra-High Resolution under Various Environments
Held on March 3-4, 2023, and Aso gave a lecture.

The 22nd international vacuum congress (IVC-22)

September 11(Sun)-16(Fri), 2022Sapporo, Japan


Academic Conference of Chinese Electron Microscopy 2019 (Hefei, 合肥)

Visiting Prof. Guo of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Prof. Son of University of Science and Technology of China

14th Oct . - 19th Oct.

The 66th Japan Society of Applied Physics Spring Meeting, 2019

9th to 12th, March, Tokyo Institute of Technology

The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science

19thto 21st, November, Kobe (Japan)


18th to 21st, October,  Qingdao (China)

19th International Microscopy Congress

9th to 14th, September, Sydney (Australia)


北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 先端科学技術研究科 先端科学技術専攻 大島研究室

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Oshima Labratory

〒923-1292 石川県能美市旭台1-1M1棟 61号室

Room 61, M1 building, 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292 Japan

Tel:(0761) 51 1500