"A Dopant Cluster in a Highly Antimony Doped Silicon Crystal",
Suhyun Kim, Yoshifumi Oshima, Hidetaka Sawada, Naoto Hashikawa, Kyoichiro Asayama, Tosikatu Kaneyama, Yukihito Kondo, Yasumasa Tanishiro and
Kunio Takayanagi,
Appl. Phys. Express 3, 081301 (3 pages) (2010).
"One-by-One Introduction of Single Lattice Planes in a Bottlenecked Gold Contact during Stretching", Yoshifumi Oshima, Yoshihiko Kurui and Kunio Takayanagi
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79, 054702 (2010). Editor's Choice
"Direct Imaging of Lithium Atoms in LiV2O4 by a Spherical Aberration Corrected Electron Microscope", Yoshifumi Oshima, Hidetaka Sawada, Fumio Hosokawa, Eiji Okunishi, Toshikatsu Kaneyama, Yukihito Kondo, Seiji Niitaka, Hidenori Takagi,
Yasumasa Tanishiro, and Kunio Takayanagi,
J. Electron Microscopy 59, 457 (2010). Editor's Choice
"Detection of arsenic dopant atoms in a silicon crystal using a spherical aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscope", Y. Oshima, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Tanishiro, K. Takayanagi, H. Sawada, T. Kaneyama, Y. Kondo, N. Hashikawa, K. Asayama,
Physical Review B 81, 035317 (2010) (5 pages).
"Real-time observation of a single carbon fullerene at metal nano-gap", Yoshifumi Oshima
International Conference on Core Research and Engineering Science of Advanced Materials (Global COE Program) & Third International Conference on Nanospintronics Design and Realization,
3rd-ICNDR (Global COE & ICNDR)
May 31, 2010 (Osaka University Convention Center).
"Geometrical dependence of a metal tip on the tunneling conductance", Yoshifumi Oshima
日本物理学会 第65回年次大会 2010年3月20日(岡山大学)
"Conductance quantization and dequantization in gold nanowires due to multiple reflection at the interface",
Yoshihiko Kurui,Yoshifumi Oshima and Kunio Takayanagi,
Phys. Rev. B 79, 165414 (2009).
"Conductance Measurement of a Single Carbon Fullerene", Y. Oshima,Y. Kurui,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 35003 (2009).
"Direct Observation of a Single Carbon Fullerene Transfer", Y. Oshima,Y. Kurui,
Appl. Phys. Express 2, 015002 (2009).
Transfer of a Single Carbon Fullerene at Small Nano-Gap, Y. Oshima, Y. Kurui and K. Takayanagi,
The 8th Japan-France Workshop on Nanomaterials (Tsukuba, NIMS), June 16th, 2009.
"Measurement method of aberration from Ronchigramby autocorrelation function",
H. Sawada, F. Hosokawa, T. Kaneyama, T. Ishizawa, M. Terao, M. Kawazoe, T. Sannomiya, T. Tomita, Y. Kondo, T. Tanaka, Y. Oshima, Y. Tanishiro,
N. Yamamoto and K. Takayanagi,
Ultramicroscopy 108, 1467 (2008).
"Integer conductance quantization of gold atomic sheets",
Y. Kurui, Y. Oshima and K. Takayanagi,
Phys. Rev. B 77, 161403R (2008).
TEM observation of jump-to-contact for an ellipsoidal fullerene Y. Oshima and Y. Kurui
International carbon nanotube Conference in NU (2008) Feb. 14 and 15. Nagoya University
原著論文, Original papers
"One-by-One Evolution of Conductance Channel in Gold [110] Nanowires",
Y. Kurui, Y. Oshima and K. Takayanagi,
J. Phys . Soc. Jpn. 76, 123601 (2007). Editor's Choice
"Achieving 63pm Resolution in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope with Spherical Aberration Corrector",
H. Sawada, F. Hosokawa, T. Kaneyama, T. Ishizawa, M. Terao, M. Kawazoe, T. Sannomiya, T. Tomita, Y. Kondo, T. Tanaka, Y. Oshima, Y. Tanishiro,
N. Yamamoto and K. Takayanagi,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46, L568-L570 (2007).
"In-Situ Observation of the Fabrication Process of a Single Shell Carbon Fullerene Nano-Contact
Using Transmission Electron Microscope-Scanning Tunneling Microscope",
M. Yoshida, Y. Kurui, Y. Oshima and K. Takayanagi, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46, L67-L69 (2007).
"Quantized electrical conductance of gold helical multi-shell nanowires", Y. Oshima, K. Mouri, H. Hirayama and K. Takayanagi,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75 (2006) 053705 (4 pages).
"Nonlinear Current-Voltages Curves of Noble Metal Quantum Point Contacts",
Makoto Yoshida, Yoshifumi Oshima and Kunio Takayanagi
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44 (2005) L1178-L1180.
"Nonlinear current-voltage curves of gold quantum point contacts",
M. Yoshida, Y. Oshima, and K. Takayanagi,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 103104 (2005).
Electrical conductance of helical multi-shell gold nanowire, Yoshifumi Oshima, Keinosuke Mouri and Kunio Takayanagi,
16th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-16), NS-MoA3, (2004) Venice
Study of structure and electrical conductance of gold nanowire using TEM-STM Yoshifumi Oshima, Keinosuke Mouri, Kouichiro Sahara, Hiroyuki Hirayama and Kunio
8th Asia-Pacific conference on Electron Microscopy (8APEM), Program p.66 (No.43010),
(2004) Kanazawa
原著論文, Original papers
"High-resolution ultra-high-vacuum electron microscopy of the helical gold naowires: Junction and zipper-like thinning process", Y. Oshima, Y. Kondo and K. Takayanagi,
J. Electron Microscopy 52 (2003) 49-55.
"Helical gold nanotube synthesized at 150K", Yoshifumi Oshima, Akiko Onga and Kunio Takayanagi,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 205503.
"Development of a miniature STM holder for study of electronic conductance
of metal nanowires in UHV-TEM", Y. Oshima, K. Mouri, H. Hirayama and K. Takayanagi,
Surface Science 531 (2003) 209-216.
"Evidence of a Single Wall Platinum Nano-tube",
Y. Ohshima, H. Koizumi, Y. Kondo, K. Mouri, H. Hirayama, and K. Takayangi,
Phys. Rev. B65 (2002) 121401(R) (4pages).
"Commensurate and Incommensurate Striped Structure of Ag film grown on Si(111)√3x√3
surface at room temperature", Y. Oshima, H. Nakade, S. Shigeki, H. Hirayama and K. Takayanagi,
Surface Science498 (2002) 307-313.
"Nanospot welding of carbon nanotubes"
H. Hirayama, Y. Kawamoto, Y. Ohshima, and K. Takayanagi
Appl. Phys. Lett.79, (2001) 1169-1171.
"UHV-TEM./TED observation of Ag islands grown on Si(111)√3x√3-Ag surface", Y. Oshima, H. Nakade, S. Shigeki, H. Hirayama and K. Takayanagi,
Surface Science493 (2001) 366-372.
"Quantitative high-resolution microscopy on a suspended chain of gold atoms",
H. Koizumi, Y. Oshima, Y. Kondo and K. Takayanagi,
Ultramicroscopy 88 (2001) 17-24.
"Face centered cubic indium nano-particles studied by UHV-transmission electron microscopy", Y. Oshima, T. Nangou, H. Hirayama and K. Takayanagi,
Surface Science 476 (2001) 107-114.
解説, Reviews
招待講演, Invited talk
原著論文, Original papers
"Atomic structure of Cluster-ordered array on the Si(001) surface induced by Aluminum", Y. Oshima, T. Hiraya, T. Yokoyama, H. Hirayama and K. Takayanagi,
Surface Science 465 (2000) 81-89.
"Simultaneous STM and UHV electron microscope observation of silicon nanowires extracted from Si(111) surface",
Y. Naitoh, K. Takayanagi, Y. Oshima, and H. Hirayama,
J. Electron. Micro. 49 (2000) 211-216.